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Piglet Oil Painting, "Hay Maze" by Brande Arno

The finished "Hay Maze"  Piglet Art I truly love how this piece came out.  I've been amazed at the pure color and beautiful brushwork of Angela Moulton's paintings. Every time I see her latest collection on YouTube, I am awestruck at how pure the background color is.  So I wanted to try my hand at upping background color value in my work.   Below is how I started: Hay Maze Start Here, I establish the main layout and gesture of this piglet's face.  I'm striving for something that looks painterly, yet would bring a smile to the face of the viewer, so this stage is important.  Also, color values on the pig are being set.   Hay Maze about halfway This is where I put that rich background color in.  Notice some neutral colors in with the bright.  I wouldn't want all bright green here as it would be like all caps when texting.  I'll re-post the final Hay Maze below: Lots of changes from the halfway point, ...
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Bloomfield Shack in September

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Over the Moon Possum

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Berkshire Piglet No. 3

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Berkshire Piglet No. 2

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Bracelet Glam

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