"River Otter Mug Shot" 5 x 5 inches, Oil on Gessoboard Collection of the Artist I'm pretty sure there is going to be River Otter series because after spending most of my day painting this little guy, I still want to paint another one. During the process, I almost did a complete scrape off, but there was this little tiny voice screaming...no, no, NO. Instead, I scraped a little area and took my time when I repainted. They say you learn something from every painting and that is very true with this piece. With this painting came my first successful attempt at building angles with the brush - notice the forehead of the otter, this is where I moved the loaded brush from the bottom to the top. I also varied the pressure. With all portraits, the eyes have it. I had to work harder than normal to capture the innocent eyes of a River Otter. Also, you'd be surprised at how quick a River Otter can morph into a Seal, who can then mor...
Small paintings of birds, animals and landscapes.