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Showing posts from October, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Pooches

I'm posting two of the seven pooches I did for the Canine Art Guild's: "Pumpkin Patch Pooches"  artist trading card series.  I'm hooked on trading cards now and want to join other groups of like minded artists.   My mini-schnauzer, Cooper was the muse for this series.  He's a fantastic doggie! 

We Three Sheep

Sheep are not really considered smart animals.  They are not motivated and will stray out of bounds.  They are also stubborn.  But in this painting the sheep look pretty smart, like they have a plan and know where they are going.  They are wise sheepies!  BTW- there is also a fourth sheep hidding in the back by the horizon line. Going to begin work on a series of five trading cards for the Canine Art Guild's Pumpkin Patch Pooches . My plan is to do cartoonish Mini-Schnauzers with pumpkins.   

Fall Is Here, Winter Is To Follow.

Johnson City View 8 x 10 "  Oil on Board SOLD This was painted last week as a demonstration on how to make a painting from field sketches.  The audience was composed of  approx. 50 very happy to be out of the classroom junior and senior high school students and their 3 art teachers ending the day with Extra Strength Excederin.  After about 1 hour into the demo, the teachers planned for the students to go outside to sketch and they were dismissed while I kept painting. As I was leaving for lunch, one of the students ( need I say female ) ran in almost out of breath to report, that 3 of her fellow students ( need I say males ) were hidding and smoking ( need I say the wacky type of tobacckie ).  After rolling her eyes in response to the little voice in her head yelling: " I told you so!"  The offense was followed up on and I don't know the outcome, except to say that when I got back from lunch, the S...